Defeated... | A Right Brain Wannabe: Defeated...

Feb 15, 2014


I have been so excited about finishing up February's sew challenge. I decided I was going to make my own bias tape to up the difficulty and also personalize the project a little more. I found an amazing tutorial but wasn't able to find the correct size bias tape maker. No worries! My slight addiction to Amazon was going to save me! I ordered the maker and patiently waited...and waited.

Alas! It arrived on Thursday!

I have had a very busy week and haven't had a chance to get some sewing in so I was extremely excited about using my Saturday to finish up the challenge!!

I pull out the iron. RIP open the tape maker, put my fabric into the correct side and UUGGH! It's the wrong size!!!

How did this happen?!

Talk about a slap in the face. I not only have a tape maker that's the wrong size, but I also can't return it and can't do anything with my project.

What a downer!

I have ordered the correct size from Amazon but it won't be here until Wednesday.  The waiting is goin to kill me. 

I may just tackle the Dino quilt to say I've done SOMETHING productive this weekend. 

Have you ever bought the wrong thing only to hault your productivity?  Did you throw your hands in the air and give up or find something else to do?

I hope my defeated feeling subsides and I can get off the couch.  We will see!


  1. The Dino quilt is going to be awesome.. get on it!! Maybe you can use the tape maker for another project.... but get on that Dino quilt!!

  2. I'm on it!! I finished the spikes yesterday, plan to update with a picture soon! Thanks for the encouragement to get off the couch hah!

  3. I'm super excited to see the dino quilt, too! It looks like it's coming together so awesome-ly :)
